Thursday, December 15, 2005


im a huge alician, so awhile back i worte this poem in the format of jaberwock, and when cleaning recenty, i found it so here it is. * if your not sure about what an alician is, the definition is to be found in a futur glossary article* - A


Through flist and mog the paradot shone.
On slooth no more flitting than the fabes,
A warning around the slooth that conn.
A challeg that can always unwabe.

“Go out and seek the Paradot, my boy,
For with it you could rule all the couth.
But power and wealth is only a toy,
For it destroys all near the slooth.”

The boy stood listening in the couth,
His dreams now rested on the paradot.
He’d have his freedom to go see his nooth,
He’d find it though he was gnot.

On his back, a double-helix scabbard,
Whose crail blade cristed troogh and troogh.
At his side, a stlick of mard,
And with that he left without crew.

For mons and daths he searched and then,
He kipped in his slaept and with all luck,
A secret cave at the end of a bend,
And into its entrance he was sucked.

He looked around the flintoung toomb.
A moont, a klat, a dezker plait,
A klird flagged by and let out a koomb,
And dived headfirst into the klait.

For trell mons he wondered in the cave,
Looking for the forbidden slooth.
After injury and peril he found the main tave,
And the thought of a journey soothed.

By the time he reached the flintoung sloth,
His stlick of mard was almost gone.
His mooth was missing many a stooth,
And his crail blades scabbard was tawn.

He stood and read with crail blade in hand,
The warning around the flintoung slooth.
A trick, that’s all, like a flint made of sand,
He’d take his prize and leave the couth.

No heed and he took it, and then with a crack,
A sound that made all fungtunks swayne.
A crickling light of green that swack,
And nothing more swould claim.

Through flist and mog the paradot shone.
On slooth no more flitting than the fabes,
A warning around the slooth that conn.
A challeg that can always unwabe

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