Monday, December 26, 2005
Merry xmas
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
For the chemist/anarchist...
This method was inveted by Peter Logan so he gets crdeit and responsibilty.
This is the method to make an exploding paste to be exact.
1).You need iodine crystals and Ammonium Hydroxide.
2).Crush the crystals to make them react faster.
3).Put 2 tbls of crystals into a glass or pyrex container that will hold at least 500ml.
4).Now add about 100ml of the Ammonium Hydroxide.You should always add a little more than you need here if you add to much it won't affect the outcome but if you add to little it will come out incomplete.
5).Now stir the mixture for about 10 minutes. If all goes to plan you should see some bubbles of Hydrogen being given off. When these bubbles stop the reaction is over.
6).Leave your mixture for about 5 minutes to make sure everything's completly done and you should see some stuff at the bottem of your container; this is your paste to which can be seperated by pouring the whole lot through a paper filter. Dont worry about you damaging your funnel as the liquid your getting rid of is water. DONT DRINK THE LIQUID WATER.
7).The paste should be dry after about an hour so if you want to keep it, store it with a little water to keep it damp in an airtight tin.
8).Remember if you store it for too long it will decompose.
By putting this paste in and on the key hole, the lock shall be demolished when a key touches the paste. the metal reacts with the paste with enough force to cause the explosion.
I have not had the opertunity to see the strength and powe of the paste, nor to experiment with reactivity. deal with at your own risk, its here for the guy who asked, if only i could remember his name. anyway, here it is, you there.
Monday, December 19, 2005
well now, and so we go...

Thursday, December 15, 2005
im a huge alician, so awhile back i worte this poem in the format of jaberwock, and when cleaning recenty, i found it so here it is. * if your not sure about what an alician is, the definition is to be found in a futur glossary article* - A
Through flist and mog the paradot shone.
On slooth no more flitting than the fabes,
A warning around the slooth that conn.
A challeg that can always unwabe.
“Go out and seek the Paradot, my boy,
For with it you could rule all the couth.
But power and wealth is only a toy,
For it destroys all near the slooth.”
The boy stood listening in the couth,
His dreams now rested on the paradot.
He’d have his freedom to go see his nooth,
He’d find it though he was gnot.
On his back, a double-helix scabbard,
Whose crail blade cristed troogh and troogh.
At his side, a stlick of mard,
And with that he left without crew.
For mons and daths he searched and then,
He kipped in his slaept and with all luck,
A secret cave at the end of a bend,
And into its entrance he was sucked.
He looked around the flintoung toomb.
A moont, a klat, a dezker plait,
A klird flagged by and let out a koomb,
And dived headfirst into the klait.
For trell mons he wondered in the cave,
Looking for the forbidden slooth.
After injury and peril he found the main tave,
And the thought of a journey soothed.
By the time he reached the flintoung sloth,
His stlick of mard was almost gone.
His mooth was missing many a stooth,
And his crail blades scabbard was tawn.
He stood and read with crail blade in hand,
The warning around the flintoung slooth.
A trick, that’s all, like a flint made of sand,
He’d take his prize and leave the couth.
No heed and he took it, and then with a crack,
A sound that made all fungtunks swayne.
A crickling light of green that swack,
And nothing more swould claim.
Through flist and mog the paradot shone.
On slooth no more flitting than the fabes,
A warning around the slooth that conn.
A challeg that can always unwabe
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
A random rant
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Exerts From -Tactical Weaponry- and -The Way of the Warrior-
The Benefit of the Two Characters reading "Strategy" There is a time and a place for use of weapons. The best use of the companion sword is in a confined space, or when you are engaged closely with an opponent. The long sword can be used effectively in all situations. The halberd is inferior to the spear on the battlefield. With the spear you can take the initiative; the halberd is defensive. In the hands of one of two men of equal ability, the spear gives a little extra strength. Spear and halberd both have their uses, but neither is very beneficial in confined spaces. They cannot be used for taking a prisoner. They are essentially weapons for the field. Anyway, if you learn "indoor" techniques, you will think narrowly and forget the true Way. Thus you will have difficulty in actual encounters. The bow is tactically strong at the commencement of battle, especially battles on a moor, as it is possible to shoot quickly from among the spearmen. However, it is unsatisfactory in sieges, or when the enemy is more than forty yards away. For this reason there are nowadays few traditional schools of archery. There is little use for this kind of skill. From inside fortifications, the gun has no equal among weapons. It is the supreme weapon on the field before the ranks clash, but once swords are crossed the gun becomes useless. One of the virtues of the bow is that you can see the arrows in flight and correct your aim accordingly, whereas gunshot cannot be seen. You must appreciate the importance of this. Just as a horse must have endurance and no defects, so it is with weapons. Horses should walk strongly, and swords and companion swords should cut strongly. Spears and halberds must stand up to heavy use: bows and guns must be sturdy. Weapons should be hardy rather than decorative.You should not have a favorite weapon. To become over-familiar with one weapon is as much a fault as not knowing it sufficiently well. You should not copy others, but use weapons which you can handly properly. It is bad for commanders and troopers to have likes and dislikes. These are things you must learn thoroughly.
In order to become a individual of wisdom, one must become a WARRIOR, not a whimpering child. One must struggle through life without giving up, without complaint, without fear, and without hesitating. One learns to be a warrior by acting, not talking. Especially when one is in a threatening situation. To be a warrior, an individual has to be, first of all {and rightfully so} intensly aware of their own death. But to be concerned with death would force any of us to focus on the self, and that would be debilitating. So the next thing one needs, to be a warrior, is detachment. The idea of inevitable death, instead of becoming an obsession, becomes an indifference. Only the idea of death makes an individual sufficiently detached so they are incapable of abandoning themselves to anything {friends,family,possessions,etc}. Only the idea of death makes an individual sufficiently detached so they can't deny themself anything. They know their death is stalking them and won't give them time to cling to anything, so they try, without craving all of everything. A detached individual has only one thing to back themself with - the power of their decision. They have to be the master of their choices. They must fully understand that their choice is their responsibility, and once they make it, there is then no longer time for regrets of recriminations or doubts. Their decisions are final, simply because their death does not permit them time to cling to anything. A warrior does not abandon themself to anything, not even to their death. Nor do they lust for money,sex,power, or status {image}. A warrior is not an easily made partner; a warrior is not available to one's wants, and if they involve themselves with something, you can be sure that they are aware of what they are doing, for they have studied very long hours/days/weeks/months/years about the subject at hand. For a warrior, there is nothing out of control. Life, for a warrior, is an exercise in strategy, an execution of actions. The spirit of a warrior is not lived for sympathy,bragging, indulging or complaining, nor is it lived toward winning or losing. The spirit of a warrior is lived only to struggle and suffer, and every struggle is a warrior's last battle on earth. Thus the outcome matters very little to them. In their last battle on earth, a warrior lets their spirit and mind flow free and clear. He/She wages their battles knowing that they will be flawless, an excellance at execution. A warrior then laughs at death. It would be very difficult to kill a Warrior.
An argument in University
"Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ."
The atheist professor of philosophy pauses beforehis class and then asks one of his new students tostand.
"You're a Christian, aren't you, son?"
"Yes sir," the student says.
"So you believe in God?"
"Is God good?"
"Sure! God's good."
"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"
"Are you good or evil?"
"The Bible says I'm evil."
The professor grins knowingly. "Aha! The Bible!"He considers for a moment. "Here's one for you.Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?"
"Yes sir, I would."
"So you're good...!"
"I wouldn't say that."
"But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't."
The student does not answer, so the professor continues.
"He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him. How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?"
The student remains silent.
"No, you can't, can you?" the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.
"Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?"
"Er...yes," the student says.
"Is Satan good?"
The student doesn't hesitate on this one. "No."
"Then where does Satan come from?"
The student falters. "From...God..."
"That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there evil in this world?"
"Yes, sir."
"Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything, correct?"
"Yes." "So who created evil?" The professor continued, "If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil."
Again, the student has no answer.
"Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?"
The student squirms on his feet.
"So who created them?"
The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. "Who created them? There is still no answer.
Suddenly the lecturer breaks awayto pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized.
"Tell me," he continues onto another student.
"Do you believe in Jesus Christ, son?"
The student's voice betrays him and cracks.
"Yes,professor, I do."
The old man stops pacing. "Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?"
"No sir. I've never seen Him."
"Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?"
"No, sir, I have not."
"Have you ever felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?"
"No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't."
"Yet you still believe in him?"
"According to the rules of empirical, testable,demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?"
"Nothing," the student replies. "I only have my faith."
"Yes, faith," the professor repeats. "And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith."
The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of His own.
"Professor, is there such thing as heat?" "Yes," the professor replies. "There's heat."
"And is there such a thing as cold?"
"Yes, son, there's cold too."
"No sir, there isn't." The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet.The student begins to explain.
"You can have lotsof heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees below zero, which is noheat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat. You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it."
Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.
"What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?"
"Yes," the professor replies without hesitation."What is night if it isn't darkness?"
"You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word."
"In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?"
The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him. This will be a good semester.
"So what point are you making, young man?"
"Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed." The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time.
"Flawed? Can you explain how?"
"You are working on the premise of duality," the student explains. "You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought."
"It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it."
"Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?"
"If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of course I do."
"Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?" The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed.
"Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a preacher?"
The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the commotion has subsided.
"To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean." The student looks around the room. "Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?"
The class breaks out into laughter. "Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelt the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, withall due respect, sir."
"So if science says you have no brain, how can we trust your lectures, sir?" Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable. Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers.
"I guess you'll have to take them on faith."
"Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life," the student continues."Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?"
Now uncertain, the professor responds, "Of course,there is. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in theworld. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."
To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."
The professor sat down. The young man's name, Albert Einstein
personly i have ripped apart a few teachers like this, though i didnt cut them down to the ground the way that Einstein did in this case. i find these things amusing so i decided to put it up here, hope you all enjoy. -A
The Question game

Published for the first time online, Echo's Corner is proud to bring you the first edition of the Question Game. - A
The Question Game
The question game came into creation, like many other things, out of an accident, pursuit of that accident, and the refinement of the events subsequent. What started out as a harmless conversation became a legendary game that spanned months and the better part of a year till everything was crystallized. So with out further adieu, the Question Game.
The Game.
The question game is comprised of asking question back and forth between people till eternity comes. This seems automatically easy and pointless, yet what is more eternal then simplicity? The purpose of playing can be many things, from wasting time to irrelevant conversation, to meaningful discussion to heartfelt bonding. More then one love has sprung from this game. Likewise, I know many who have suffered because of what they have discovered.
How might a simple game have such effects on people though? A game that was originally created for the innocent purpose of letting two people get to know each other.
But like in almost all games, there are rules. Standards that must be applied fairly so that the outcome can be accepted without doubt as the truth. Rules are as follows:
Rule one. Each question must be original and can only be asked once. This means that one question can be asked only once, by EITHER person. This can make for some difficult question finding, yet the game is ongoing and should never be forced upon people.
Rule two. All questions must be answered unless the asker deems it unnecessary to answer. Ex, A asks B question then tells B that they don’t have to answer if they don’t want to.
Rule three. All answers must be completely and utterly truthful. Complete honesty is the only way this game works. By playing the game, all players must be willing to answer ANY question truthfully and without fear of what others may think about their answers.
Rule four. Players cannot evade the question behind wordplay. Speak the answer, and take solace in the pride of speaking your thoughts truthfully. To seek hiding through a minor impractically is almost always going to happen, as language is inherently inexpressible.
Rule five. If the question posed is too vague or unspecific, the player who answers can ask for clarification or a more detailed version of a question.
Rule six. Questions cannot be momentary in context ex. " What did you think of my hair yesterday?" Questions can be relating to time but have to apply in a broader context.
At anytime while asking back and forth, discussion on a certain topic can and will happen. This is good and is the point. The Game is designed to let people open themselves up and connect with others. No defenses are available while playing, and the only attacks are those that are brought among the players own.
Rule seven. After asking a question, the proper speech, or saying, is “Your Go.”
Rule seven, though not a rule this ones more of a tradition and deserves mention just as a quirky thing that came to the creators attention. It occurred that we kept repeating this line over and over to each other so many times while playing that it has now become the single line we have used to each other.
Things to keep in mind-
After playing for an extended period of time, say after 2 to 3 months, it becomes increasingly difficult to think of new original questions to ask one another as all the simple question have been used up. Creativity is a must, as well as a sense of daring, humor, and wanting.
The Game can be used also as a way to break the ice between strangers, complete even the more so because then there’s nothing to lose, friends, relatives, or any others. A good way to avoid awkward silences is to fill them with meaningless dry conversational small talk. By introducing the game as a way to fill these moments, not only does the person who suggested it seem to genuinely want to know about the other players (this may or may not be true) but also it puts everyone a lot more at ease when their talking about things they know about.
Questions to keep in mind-
As with such a game, certain question might be asked that may or may not make/break a relationship. I’m going to put down a few that questions that either players dread asking or answering.
“Do you love me?”
“Do you think I’m hot/sexy/nifty/etc...?”
“Have you ever had sex?”
“What’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?”
“Have you ever done drugs? If so, what?”
“What is the cruelest thing you’ve ever done to someone?”
Oddly enough, good question that cause the most havoc are those relating to a persons feelings, emotions and essence. Whether good or bad though, the knowledge gained is gained, even if its sad or painful, the truth is always harder to deal with then putting off an inevitable question.
The Omega of the Game
The Question game seems to reach its end many times, but oddly enough, it never really dies. Many times people will run out of questions to ask, and eventually there will come a point when you may think that everything has been asked, but this is obviously not the case. Let the Game lie low for a while until it comes up again. We are curious by nature and the Question Game is simply a way of focusing that curiosity into something productive and fun. The only time the End comes is when people part ways. But though this seems like the end, once started, it can never be closed. Have fun, keep it light or not, it is all about finding the unknown and accepting it. I hope I’ve been able to give some detail on this very special part of my life, trivial though it may seem, some days it was all I had to look forward to at the end of the day. Your go.